FEAST December 27
LIFE Also called the Beloved Apostle, Beloved Disciple, John the Divine, John the Evangelist, or a Son of Thunder. Fisherman and brother of St. James the Greater. Considered to be Jesus’ closest friend, and the only Apostle who didn’t forsake Jesus during his Passion. Divinely chosen guardian of the Blessed Mother and witness to the birth of the Church.
Imprisoned with St. Peter for preaching the Good News. Wrote a Gospel, the book of Revelation, and the three epistles of John. Despite attempts to martyr him, he died of natural causes circa 101.
SYMBOLS St. John holds a chalice containing a serpent, since he survived a pagan priest’s challenge to drink from a poisoned cup. He also holds a book, representing his scriptural writings.
PATRONAGE art dealers, bookbinders, booksellers, editors, engravers, painters, papermakers, printers, publishers, tanners, theologians, typesetters, writers, friendships, burn sufferers,
those poisoned
SCRIPTURE TO PONDER We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 NRSV
St. John was widely regarded as Jesus’ best friend on earth. He even leaned against Jesus’ chest to ask him a question during the Last Supper.
Do I sometimes struggle to feel worthy of God’s love? Would I like to somehow hear Jesus’ heart, as St. John could?