A Note About Our Statues: The statues we inherited from St. Benedict Church do not include one clearly named St. Matthew, but do offer one labeled St. Mathias. Since St. Matthew is one of the original 12, it seems odd that there would be no statue honoring him. It is possible that the St. Mathias statue represents the original Apostle we call Matthew. Both are associated with the symbol of an axe. Pilgrims may decide for themselves if this statue represents St. Matthew or St. Mathias… or they may simply savor the mystery.
FEAST May 14
LIFE Also called St. Matthias. Chosen to replace Judas Iscariot. Remembered for preaching the need for control over our earthly desires. Martyred in Colchis in the
year 80.
SYMBOLS St. Mathias was killed with an axe after surviving a stoning.
PATRONAGE carpenters, tailors, alcoholism, reformed alcoholics, smallpox
SCRIPTURE TO PONDER So one of the men who have accompanied us during all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from the baptism of John until the day when he was taken up from us— one of these must become a witness with us to his resurrection. Acts 1:21-22 NRSV
Specially chosen to fill the gap left by Judas’ betrayal, St. Mathias was able to model holy serenity in a most difficult human situation.
Do I need to conquer any anxieties or unhealthy habits? Do I care for someone who is suffering from an addiction?