“Prayer is the best weapon we possess.
It is the key that opens the heart of God.”
— St. Padre Pio
If you’re looking for the same words that are posted on the walls near each statue/relic, you will find each sign individually replicated in the ‘Saints and Angels’ section.
We pray for the intentions of our pilgrims at every Mass!
Pilgrims: What answer have you received? It could be any kind of answer - like an increase of peace, a direction, a forgiveness, a healing, a gift, or something else. We would love to hear about it! Please come to the cathedral to tell us in person, mail your story to us at 9844 Woodward Avenue, Detroit MI 48202, or send an email.
Each 'prayer result' response will be recorded, and the cathedral staff will choose a ceramic tile to commemorate each one. Eventually we will have a beautiful mosaic Wall of Signs and Wonders on the property!
We also welcome any other feedback you have for us - suggestions, questions, etc.! And of course we'd like to see you all again soon.
Prayers & Gratitude
Pray for Us
The Cathedral offers its gratitude to these people who have committed to pray for the development of the pilgrimage and for the pilgrims. We also thank all the prayer partners who are not yet known to us! Every prayer makes a real difference.
♱ Francis Cardinal Arinze, Former Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
♱ Archbishop Charles J. Brown, Apostolic Nuncio, Manila, Philippines
♱ Mother Marie de Sales Kasper, VHM, Superior, Monastery of the Visitation
♱ Sister Mary Philomena, SMDG, Superior, Sisters of Our Mother of Divine Grace
♱ Sister Mary Thomas, OP, Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament
♱ Mother Mary Elizabeth, OCD, Prioress, Carmelite Monastery of St. Therese
♱ Mother Dolores Hart, OSB, Abbey of Regina Laudis
♱ Mother Marie Andre, PCPA, Abbess, Our Lady of Solitude Monastery
♱ Sister M. Assumpta Long, OP, Co-Founder, Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist
Bless the Lord, All You His Angels, You who are Mighty in strength and do His will.
Intercede for me at the throne of God, and by your unceasing watchfulness protect me in every danger of soul and body.
Obtain for me the grace of final perseverance, so that after this life I may be admitted to your glorious company and may sing with you the praises of God for all eternity.
O all you holy Angels and Archangels, Thrones and Dominations, Principalities and Powers and Virtues of Heaven, Cherubim and Seraphim and especially you, My dear Guardian Angel, intercede for me and obtain for me the special favor I now ask: (State your intention here).
— Traditional