FEAST    May 3

LIFE    Also called Jacobus Minor or James the Younger. Called ‘the Less’ because he became an Apostle after St. James the Greater. Cousin of Jesus and brother of St. Jude Thaddeus. Author of the New Testament epistle of James, which teaches that true faith requires work. First Bishop of Jerusalem, who spent so much time in prayer that his knees thickened and resembled those of a camel. Martyred circa 62 in Jerusalem while praying for his attackers.

SYMBOLS    St. James the Less is holding a club, which represents his martyrdom. He was thrown from the pinnacle of a temple, stoned, and beaten to death with a fuller’s club.

PATRONAGE    fullers, hat makers, pharmacists, dying people, Uruguay

SCRIPTURE  TO  PONDER    Who is wise and understanding among you? Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom.  James 3:13 NRSV


St. James the Less was remarkably prayerful. His inspired epistle emphasizes the need to serve others and to use our words judiciously.

Do I work hard and pray harder, like St. James the Less? Would I like to exercise more control over my speech?

St. James the Less, pray for us.